Granello inaugurates the new “Edulab” centre
Granello don Luigi Monza has inaugurated Saturday, November 9 the new educational and multifunctional center of Saronno

Granello don Luigi Monza, a social cooperative founded in Cislago in 1987 that deals with education and employment of young people and adults with physical and mental disabilities through social, educational and employment activities, has opened the new educational and multipurpose center in the Matteotti district in Saronno.
In the presence of the political and religious authorities there was the ribbon cutting of the new “Edulab” Centre, the presentation of the services offered and an aperitif for all participants.
The “Edulab” centre was born from the renovation of the Parish premises that housed the old municipal kindergarten “Galileo Galilei” on the corner of Via E. Torricelli and G.Galilei. Thanks to the financial resources of the Cooperative, the resources made available by Banca Prossima (now Intesa San Paolo), the “Third Value” program signed by some members of the Cooperative, the contribution of Fondazione Comunitaria del Varesotto and Fondazione Cariplo, as well as donations made by companies and individuals for a total of over 1.3 million euros, Granello has managed to buy and restructure the Centre and today is preparing to offer services aimed at supporting people with disabilities and their families, with professionalism and commitment.
“Edulab” will host about 90 users and will be composed of two Social Educational Centers oriented to strengthen and maintain personal skills and to increase socialization and social inclusion; an Autonomy Training Service aimed at promoting the development of skills and autonomy that can be spent in the family, social and work context; a Housing Community that will provide its guests with a welcoming and educational home context; a “Family Space” Desk that will offer support to the person and the families through psychological, pedagogical, osteopathic and nutritional interventions.
Granello don Luigi Monza is a social cooperative founded in Cislago and active since 1987, that starting from work and a space dedicated to it has been able to combine experience with innovation. Since 2010 it has developed the educational sector by offering services and activities that are attentive to the needs of different users. Over the years, increasing contacts both in the province of Varese and Como, Granello has extended its presence to neighboring territories, including Marnate, Guanzate, Fagnano Olona, Uboldo, Turate. In addition to the historical activities of printing and assembly, to date there are Training Services for Autonomy, Social Educational Centers, a Microcommunity and a project of Gym of Independent Life.
Currently, in the reality of Granello, more than 250 people with disabilities carry out daily activities of laboratory, training, consolidation of autonomy and practical or relational skills, work activities, internships or training start up work. Together with everything that constitutes the daily life of the Cooperative, some experiments have been undertaken to open up to the territory, social services and schools, so as to promote inclusion and mutual knowledge.
The Cooperative is managed by a Board of Directors made up of the Chairman Alessandro Alberti, the Vice Chairman Roberto Turra and the Directors Francesco Rotondi, Luciano Staurenghi and Vittorio Borghi.
The entire educational activity is coordinated by Dr. Luca Landolfi, educational director, while the activities of the graphics and printing department are coordinated by the director Francesco Rotondi. The Cooperative carries out its work thanks to 52 working members and several voluntary members.
For more details and curiosity:
Web site:
Facebook page: Il Granello – Coop Sociale
Instagram Page: ilgranello_coop.sociale
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