Expo, the Uruguay stand reborn and turned into a restaurant
The NeoLogistic storage enterprise bought the building, in which they are opening the first Uruguayan restaurant in Italy.

It is one of the few Expo stands in Italy which survived the closure of this global event. It is in Origgio, and it is a Uruguay stand that was bought in these months by the Origgio NeoLogistic storage enterprise, that has many warehouses in the territory of Varese, with more than 130 employees. This stand is being rebuilt and you can easily see it from the Varesina, thanks to the big sign “Uruguay.”
Federico Terraneo, co-founder of the NeoLogistic and delegate administrator says: “Initially it should have housed our offices. We took the stand because Expo has been an extraordinary venture for our country. What has remained? To me, probably the motivation only a little, but I wanted to preserve a part of the architecture, that has been probably the nicest thing of Expo. I saw one of the nicest stands and we are now rebuilding another similar one in order to preserve a part of the Italian history.”
The administrator tells: “In fact the stand will house a Uruguayan restaurant at the ground floor, with 50 seats and outdoor tables, as well as a grill on a big balcony, “because in Uruguay, meat is eaten above all on a balcony, According to the Expo data, the restaurant of Uruguay has been one of the most appreciated, the third or the fourth in the tables. So we thought about proposing again that experience in order to create the first Uruguayan restaurant in Italy.”
The rebuilding of the stand will be completed in these days and the restaurant could be inaugurated even before the beginning of the summer. Terraneo also says: “There is a short time and we aim to inaugurate even only the stand, because it is a present that we give to the territory too, a memory of Expo for everyone.”
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